加利福尼亚州州长颁布了32项法案,以简化住房审批程序,为低收入住房提供资金,并处罚不遵守规定的城市。 California Governor enacts 32 bills to streamline housing approval, provide funding for low-income housing, and penalize non-compliant municipalities.
加利福尼亚州州长Gavin Newsom颁布了一系列32项法案,以应对住房危机和无家可归问题。 California Governor Gavin Newsom has enacted a series of 32 bills to combat the housing crisis and homelessness. 立法旨在通过简化审批程序,授权地方政府规划低收入住房,增加住房供应。 The legislation aims to increase housing availability by streamlining approval processes and mandating local governments to plan for low-income housing. 其中包括22亿美元的永久支助性住房资金,以退伍军人为重点。 It includes $2.2 billion in funding for permanent supportive housing, with a focus on veterans. 法律对不遵守国家住房要求的市镇实行处罚,加剧了州和地方在住房开发方面的冲突。 The laws impose penalties on municipalities that fail to comply with state housing requirements, intensifying state-local conflicts over housing development.