加州参议院领袖麦奎尔在任期内优先考虑解决气候变化、无家可归和阿片类药物危机。 California State Senate leader McGuire prioritizes addressing climate change, homelessness, and the opioid crisis in his term.
加州参议院领袖迈克·麦奎尔概述了他任期内的优先事项,其中包括解决气候变化、无家可归和阿片类药物危机。 California State Senate leader Mike McGuire has outlined his priorities for his term, which include addressing climate change, homelessness, and the opioid crisis. 麦奎尔来自一个农业家庭,此前曾起草过旨在保护海洋生物、支持大麻种植者和应对野火影响的立法。 McGuire, who hails from a family with an agricultural background, has previously authored legislation aimed at protecting marine life, supporting cannabis farmers, and fighting the impacts of wildfires.