由于共和党的衰落,加州州长竞选的阵容全是民主党人。 California gubernatorial race features an all-Democrat lineup due to GOP's decline.
预计加州即将举行的州长竞选将由全民主党人组成, California's upcoming gubernatorial race is set to feature an all-Democrat lineup, with no significant Republican contenders emerging. 总督Gavin Newsom预计将被替换, 否决了国家为无证移民提供的房屋贷款, 并召集特别会议讨论汽油价格上涨问题。 Governor Gavin Newsom, who is expected to be replaced, has vetoed state-funded home loans for undocumented immigrants and called a special session to address gasoline price spikes. GOP在加利福尼亚的衰落与“让美国再次壮大”运动不受欢迎有关, The GOP's decline in California is linked to the unpopularity of the "Make America Great Again" movement, leaving Democrats poised to maintain control.