英国寻求公众投入,争取到2050年将多达10%的农田重新用于清洁能源和住房。 UK seeks public input on reallocating up to 10% of farmland for clean energy and housing by 2050.
联合王国政府正在寻求公众对新的土地使用框架的投入,该框架旨在平衡粮食生产、清洁能源和住房需要,同时保护环境。 The UK government is seeking public input on a new land use framework aimed at balancing food production, clean energy, and housing needs while protecting the environment. 正在考虑将多达10%的农田重新分配给太阳能农场、水库和新城镇,以便到2050年达到净零排放水平。 Under consideration is reallocating up to 10% of farmland for solar farms, reservoirs, and new towns to meet net-zero emissions by 2050. 该计划是与利益攸关方协商启动的,包括保护高质量农业用地,同时探索其他土地使用,以支持经济增长和自然保护。 The plan, launched in consultation with stakeholders, includes protecting high-quality agricultural land while exploring other land uses to support economic growth and nature preservation.