粮农组织在世界土壤日发起了一项计划,以防治近东和北非的土地退化问题。 The FAO launched a plan on World Soil Day to fight land degradation in the Near East and North Africa.
联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)在世界土壤日发起了一项行动计划,通过可持续的土壤管理,防治近东和北非的土地退化。 The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) launched an action plan on World Soil Day to combat land degradation in the Near East and North Africa through sustainable soil management. 粮农组织估计,人类活动已使1.66亿公顷土地退化,其中60%以上是农业地区。 The FAO estimates that human activities have degraded 1.66 billion hectares of land, with over 60% being agricultural areas. 该计划旨在加强土壤管理并促进区域合作。 The plan aims to strengthen soil management and promote regional cooperation. 每年12月5日庆祝的世界土壤日提高了对土壤健康及其对粮食安全和应对气候变化的重要性的认识。 World Soil Day, celebrated annually on December 5, raises awareness about soil health and its importance for food security and combating climate change.