密苏里州圣约瑟夫将于 12 月 6 日举办“点亮悬崖”活动,届时将有灯光、合唱团、圣诞树照明和游行。 St. Joseph, Missouri, hosts "Light Up the Bluff" on Dec. 6 with lights, a choir, tree lighting, and a parade.
密苏里州圣约瑟夫将于 12 月 6 日举办“点亮悬崖”活动,下午 6 点有合唱团表演,下午 6:30 有圣诞树点灯表演。布拉夫湖公园将装饰有超过 100 万盏节日灯饰,从 12 月 7 日到 2 月 15 日每天可见。 St. Joseph, Missouri, will host "Light Up the Bluff" on December 6, featuring a choir performance at 6 p.m. and tree lighting at 6:30 p.m. Lake Bluff Park will be decorated with over a million holiday lights, visible daily from December 7 to February 15. 市中心的商店将提供特别促销和延长工作时间。 Downtown shops will offer special promotions and extended hours. 12月7日, Reindog 游行将于下午3时开始,圣诞老人将参加。 On December 7, the Reindog Parade will start at 3 p.m., with Santa in attendance.