Sioux市的节日游行为圣诞老人的树照明吸引了人群,而树木节拍卖会则支持精神健康。 Sioux City's holiday parade drew crowds for Santa's tree lighting, while the Festival of Trees auction supports mental health.
尽管天气寒冷,苏乌市下城节日灯游行仍吸引了数百人,最后圣诞老人点亮了该市的圣诞树。 The Sioux City Downtown Holiday Lighted Parade drew hundreds despite cold weather, ending with Santa lighting the city's Christmas tree. 同时,Ho-Chunk中心第31届年度树木节以装饰树木和无声拍卖为特色,有利于支持慢性精神病患者的简单生活。 Meanwhile, the 31st annual Festival of Trees at the Ho-Chunk Centre features decorated trees and a silent auction benefiting Simple Life, which supports individuals with chronic mental illness. 现场拍卖是在12月5日, 接受无声投标直到12月4日。 The live auction is on December 5th, with silent bids accepted until December 4th.