湖边的灯光秀有超过80万个灯光, 离开阿斯卡洛特公园后返回其创始人的家。 The Lights on the Lake holiday light show, featuring over 800,000 lights, returns to its founder's home after leaving Ascarate Park.
在阿斯卡洛特公园举行两年之久的 " 湖边灯光秀 " 正在返回弗雷德·洛亚东艾尔帕索的家园。 The Lights on the Lake holiday light show, which had been held at Ascarate Park for two years, is returning to Fred Loya's east El Paso home. 项目经理Scott Brown和他的团队正在安装有80多万个灯具的展品,从11月29日持续到圣诞节。 Project Manager Scott Brown and his team are setting up the display with over 800,000 light fixtures, running from November 29 to Christmas Day. 这部剧于2006年开始,在洛亚结束与埃尔帕索县的合作之后,该剧又回归. The show, which began in 2006, returns after Loya ended his partnership with El Paso County.