Lake Macquarie市议会在纵火破坏其主楼后,将会议迁至新图书馆。 Lake Macquarie City Council moved meetings to a new library after arson damaged their main building.
澳大利亚的Macquarie湖市议会在一次纵火袭击破坏位于Speers Point的主要行政大楼后,暂时将其会议移到新图书馆Windale中心。 Lake Macquarie City Council in Australia has temporarily moved its meetings to the Windale Hub, a new library, after an arson attack damaged its main administration building in Speers Point. 星期三早些时候发生的火灾需要40名消防员,并造成重大损坏。 The fire, which occurred early Wednesday, required 40 firefighters and caused significant damage. 理事会的130名工作人员现在在家或其他地点工作。 The council's 130 staff are now working from home or other locations. 会议音频将在网上提供,但无法进行现场直播。 Audio from meetings will be available online, but live streaming is not possible. Speers Point图书馆建立了一个客户服务中心。 A customer service center has been set up at the Speers Point Library.