澳大利亚理事会大楼在纵火袭击中受损;预计关闭6至8个月。 Australian council building damaged in arson attack; closure expected for six to eight months.
侦探们已经发布了与2024年11月27日澳大利亚麦奎里湖议会大楼的疑似纵火事件相关的深灰色车辆的CCTV图像. Detectives have released CCTV images of a dark grey ute related to a suspected arson attack on the Lake Macquarie council building in Australia on November 27, 2024. 预计该大楼将关闭6至8个月,理事会会议暂时迁至温达莱中心图书馆。 The building is expected to remain closed for six to eight months, with council meetings temporarily moving to the Windale Hub library. Adam Shultz市长计划在关闭期间在不同郊区举行会议。 Mayor Adam Shultz plans to hold meetings in different suburbs during the closure.