由于暴力、歧视和经济困难,巴勒斯坦领土的基督教人口急剧下降。 Christian population in Palestinian territories declines dramatically due to violence, discrimination, and economic hardships.
基督教起源的巴勒斯坦领土上的基督教人口急剧下降,某些地区自1922年以来下降了90%。 The Christian population in the Palestinian territories, where Christianity originated, has declined dramatically, with some areas seeing a 90% decrease since 1922. 耶路撒冷安全和外交事务中心报告说,这一下降是由于暴力、歧视和经济困难所致。 The Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs reports that this decline is due to violence, discrimination, and economic hardships. 基督教徒面临骚扰、法律歧视以及寻求正义的困难。 Christians face harassment, legal discrimination, and difficulties in seeking justice. 该研究呼吁全球提高认识和提供支持,以帮助保护基督教社区在其历史中心地带。 The study calls for global awareness and support to help preserve the Christian community in its historical heartland.