美国中止与格鲁吉亚的伙伴关系, 停止欧盟谈判, 对抗议者使用武力。 US suspends partnership with Georgia over halted EU talks and use of force against protesters.
美国已中止与格鲁吉亚的战略伙伴关系, 以政府决定停止欧盟入盟谈判及对抗议者过度使用武力为由。 The United States has suspended its strategic partnership with Georgia, citing the government's decision to halt EU accession talks and its use of excessive force against protesters. 美国国务院谴责格鲁吉亚的行动是反民主的,并违背了其加入欧盟和北约的宪法承诺。 The US State Department condemned Georgia's actions as anti-democratic and a breach of its constitutional promise to integrate into the EU and NATO. 格鲁吉亚总理决定后爆发抗议活动, 数千人呼吁政府改变立场, 尊重公民和平集会的权利。 Protests erupted in Georgia following the Prime Minister's decision, with thousands calling for the government to reverse its stance and respect citizens' rights to peaceful assembly.