在加入欧盟的抗议中,美国对格鲁吉亚官员施加签证禁令,禁止他们因民主关切而持有签证。 USA imposes visa bans on Georgian officials over democracy concerns, amid EU accession protests.
美国对被指控破坏民主的大约20名格鲁吉亚官员实行签证限制,其中包括政府部长、议员和安全人员。 The U.S. has imposed visa restrictions on about 20 Georgian officials accused of undermining democracy, including government ministers, MPs, and security personnel. 抗议格鲁吉亚梦想党推迟欧盟入盟谈判的决定。 The move follows protests against the Georgian Dream party's decision to delay EU accession talks. 国务院谴责该党对示威者、媒体和活动分子使用暴力,并警告进一步制裁。 The State Department condemns the party's use of violence against protesters, media, and activists and warns of further sanctions.