罗切斯特男子被控向女朋友泼沸水,造成严重烧伤。 Rochester man charged with throwing boiling water on girlfriend, causing severe burns.
Rochester男子,Christopher Paul Hilton, 41岁,有家庭暴力史,在向女友泼开沸水并造成严重烧伤后,被指控犯有三级攻击和重罪家庭攻击罪。 A Rochester man, Christopher Paul Hilton, 41, with a history of domestic violence, has been charged with third-degree assault and felony domestic assault after throwing boiling water on his girlfriend, causing severe burns. 由于恐惧,受害人最初没有报告7月事件。 The victim initially did not report the July incident due to fear. 希尔顿以前曾被判犯有家庭暴力罪,面临大量身体伤害指控,有条件保释金为50 000美元。 Hilton, who has previous domestic violence convictions, faces substantial bodily harm charges and has a conditional bail of $50,000.