得克萨斯州男子在缅因州被捕,据称他殴打女友,割伤自己以陷害她。 Texas man arrested in Maine for allegedly assaulting girlfriend, cut himself to frame her.
德克萨斯州30岁男子Aric Houghton在缅因邦戈两次被捕,据称他殴打女友。 A 30-year-old Texas man, Aric Houghton, was arrested twice in Bangor, Maine, for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend. 第一次被捕后,Houghton假称他的女朋友用剃刀刀片殴打他,但警察发现他为了陷害她而割伤了自己。 After the first arrest, Houghton falsely claimed his girlfriend had assaulted him with a razor blade, but police found he had cut himself to frame her. 他现在被指控犯有家庭暴力加重伤害罪和其他罪行,而该妇女则因受伤在当地医院接受治疗。 He is now charged with domestic violence aggravated assault and other offenses, while the woman was treated for injuries at a local hospital.