10月26日,38岁的Paul O'Neal因家庭暴力攻击和纵火被捕,导致一英里外听到爆炸声。 38-year-old Paul O'Neal arrested for domestic violence assault and arson, causing explosions heard over a mile away, on October 26.
来自班戈的 38 岁男子保罗·奥尼尔 (Paul O'Neal) 在涉嫌袭击受害者并通过将丙烷罐扔进火焰中放火烧毁他们的帐篷后被捕并被指控犯有家庭暴力袭击和纵火罪。 Paul O'Neal, a 38-year-old man from Bangor, was arrested and charged with domestic violence assault and arson after allegedly assaulting a victim and setting their tent on fire by throwing propane canisters into the flames. 在一英里外听到爆炸声。 The resulting explosions were heard over a mile away. 事件发生在10月26日,虽然受害者受了轻伤,但他们拒绝治疗。 The incident occurred on October 26, and although the victim sustained minor injuries, they declined medical treatment. O'Neal目前被关押在Penobscot县监狱。 O'Neal is currently held at the Penobscot County Jail.