在斯巴登堡的一场家庭纠纷中,有人试图纵火焚烧丈夫,因此被逮捕。 Man arrested after attempting to set his husband on fire during a domestic dispute in Spartanburg.
Spartanburg的一位男子在一场关于家庭纠纷的争论中试图纵火焚烧丈夫,因此被捕。 A man in Spartanburg was arrested after trying to set his husband on fire during an argument over a domestic dispute. 尤金·赖斯在他丈夫凯瑞·海因斯身上喷了酒精,然后放火烧他。 Eugene Rice sprayed rubbing alcohol on his husband, Kerry Hines, and set him alight. Hines被带往医院,被烧伤,眼睛和头发受伤。 Hines was taken to the hospital with burns and injuries to his eyes and hair. 大米逃了出来,但后来被捕并被指控犯有严重的家庭暴力。 Rice fled but was later arrested and charged with aggravated domestic violence.