46 岁的什里夫波特男子肯特雷尔·富勒 (Kentrail Fuller) 因家庭暴力、纵火和简单攻击而被捕。 46-year-old Shreveport man, Kentrail Fuller, arrested for domestic abuse battery by burning and simple assault.
46 岁的什里夫波特男子肯特雷尔·富勒被捕,他被指控用香烟灼伤一名妇女的前额,试图灼伤她的大腿,并威胁说如果她举报虐待行为就会杀死她。 46-year-old Shreveport man, Kentrail Fuller, was arrested and accused of burning a woman's forehead with a cigarette, attempting to burn her thigh, and threatening to kill her if she reported the abuse. 富勒面临家庭暴力指控,包括纵火和简单攻击。 Fuller faces charges of domestic abuse battery by burning and simple assault. 什里夫波特警察局鼓励家庭暴力受害者举报事件并寻求帮助。 The Shreveport Police Department encourages victims of domestic abuse to report incidents and seek help.