皮尔的艾滋病毒感染率不断上升,这与耻辱感有关,强调需要改善获得和教育的机会。 Rising HIV rates in Peel linked to stigma, stressing need for better access and education.
皮尔岛艾滋病毒发病率不断上升,正归咎于障碍和耻辱,使个人难以寻求检测和治疗。 Rising HIV rates in Peel are being attributed to barriers and stigma, making it difficult for individuals to seek testing and treatment. 地方卫生官员强调,必须解决社会和文化因素,改善获得艾滋病毒的机会,减少艾滋病毒的传播。 Local health officials are emphasizing the need to address social and cultural factors to improve access and reduce the spread of HIV. 他们敦促增加社区支持和教育以解决这些问题。 They urge increased community support and education to combat these issues.