76% 的爱尔兰医护人员/学生目睹过针对艾滋病患者的歧视性言论,导致在护理中受到歧视。 76% of Irish healthcare workers/students witnessed stigmatizing comments about HIV patients, leading to discrimination in care.
根据爱尔兰皇家外科医学院的一项调查,76% 的爱尔兰医护人员和学生曾目睹过针对艾滋病患者的歧视或偏见言论。 76% of healthcare workers and students in Ireland have witnessed stigmatising or prejudiced comments about HIV patients, according to a survey by the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. 调查显示,艾滋病患者面临手术被拒绝、不愿抽取血样以及在候诊名单上排在最后等着的情况。 HIV patients have faced refusals for surgery, reluctance to take blood samples, and last place on waiting lists, the survey revealed. 研究人员将该问题归因于医护人员缺乏有关艾滋病毒传播和风险因素的知识。 The researchers attribute the issue to a lack of knowledge about HIV transmission and risk factors among healthcare workers.