澳大利亚Ulladulla的Wason街轮船停靠后,居民提出释放风险评估的申请。 Residents petition for release of risk assessment behind Wason Street Boat Ramp closure in Ulladulla, Australia.
澳大利亚Ulladulla的请愿书要求Shoalhaven市议会公布风险评估文件, A petition in Ulladulla, Australia, demands the Shoalhaven City Council release a risk assessment document that led to the closure of the Wason Street Boat Ramp. 来自Ulladulla钓鱼俱乐部的Alex Qaszem认为,缺乏透明度有损公众信任。 Alex Qaszem, from the Ulladulla Game Fishing Club, argues the lack of transparency undermines public trust. 该理事会与新南威尔士州运输公司和社区团体合作,更新了其网站,提供有关该船坡状况和修理流程的信息。 The council, working with Transport for NSW and community groups, has updated its website with information on the boat ramp's status and repair process.