港务主管关于Aratere轮渡停泊的报告建议改善通信、资源管理和应急反应。 Harbourmaster's report on Aratere ferry grounding recommends improvements in communication, resource management, and emergency response.
Marlborough Harbourmaster Jake Oliver关于6月Aratere渡轮停泊的报告显示,通讯、资源管理和应急进程有所改善。 Marlborough Harbourmaster Jake Oliver's report on the Aratere ferry grounding in June suggests improvements in communication, resource management, and emergency response processes. 报告包括26项建议,如提高工作人员技能、制定疲劳管理计划、实施安全通信系统以及开展桌面培训演习。 The report includes 26 recommendations, such as upskilling staff, creating fatigue management plans, implementing a secure communication system, and conducting tabletop exercises for training. 有些建议已经开始提出,报告涉及应急反应期间领导不明确的问题和依赖移动电话的通信脆弱性。 Some recommendations have already started, and the report addresses issues with unclear leadership during the emergency response and vulnerabilities in communication relying on mobile phones.