新南威尔士州居民在 Millers Forest 讨论对政府在亨特河 M1 扩建桥梁计划的担忧,理由是洪水测绘存在差异。 NSW residents in Millers Forest to discuss concerns about government's M1 extension bridge plan at Hunter River, citing discrepancies in flood mapping.
在澳大利亚新南威尔士州Mills Forest, 居民计划讨论他们对州政府岩石平台及杭特河M1扩展桥计划的关切。 In Millers Forest, NSW, Australia, residents plan to discuss their concerns about the state government's rock platform and M1 extension bridge plan at the Hunter River. 他们认为政府提供的洪水地图不正确, They believe flood mapping provided by the government is incorrect and do not align with their local experiences. 新南威尔士州区域运输和公路部长Jenny Aitchison将出席8月27日的公开会议,他已承认该社区的关切,并愿意听取他们的意见。 A public meeting on August 27 will be attended by NSW Regional Transport and Roads Minister, Jenny Aitchison, who has acknowledged the community's concerns and is open to their opinions.