泄漏的报告引起人们对奥克兰城市铁路连线项目可能出现拖延和费用超支的关切。 Leaked report raises concerns over potential delays and cost overruns in Auckland's City Rail Link project.
一份泄漏的报告对法国承包商VINCI Grand Projects管理的奥克兰城市铁路连线项目可能出现费用超支和延误表示关切。 A leaked report has raised concerns about potential cost overruns and delays in Auckland's City Rail Link (CRL) project, managed by French contractor VINCI Grand Projects. 该报告表明,50%的概率错过了2025年11月的完工日期,引发了受正在进行的施工影响的当地企业要求进行调查的呼声。 The report, which suggests a 50% chance of missing the November 2025 completion date, has sparked calls for an inquiry from local businesses affected by the ongoing construction. 尽管存在这些关切,但议会和政府重申,该项目在2026年开幕前仍如期进行。 Despite these concerns, the council and government reaffirm the project remains on track for a 2026 opening.