尼日利亚在炼油厂方面领先于非洲,其目的是削减燃料进口和促进能源自给自足。 Nigeria leads Africa in oil refineries, aiming to cut fuel imports and boost energy self-sufficiency.
尼日利亚在炼油厂数量方面领先于非洲,其目标是减少燃料进口和实现能源自给自足。 Nigeria leads Africa in the number of oil refineries, aiming to reduce fuel imports and achieve energy self-sufficiency. 尽管非洲的生产能力为每天720万桶,但非洲进口大部分精炼产品,每年花费数十亿美元。 Despite having a production capacity of 7.2 million barrels per day, Africa imports most of its refined products, costing billions annually. Dangote炼油厂将每天处理650 000桶,可能具有变革意义。 The Dangote Refinery, set to process 650,000 barrels daily, could be transformative. 安哥拉还准备到2030年成为主要的炼油中心。 Angola is also poised to become a major refining hub by 2030. 提高能力可以降低进口成本,促进工业增长,加强整个大陆的能源安全。 Improving refining capacity can cut import costs, boost industrial growth, and enhance energy security across the continent.