随着对裁员和收入增长的担忧,德国消费者情绪下降。 German consumer sentiment drops as fears over job cuts and income grow.
由于对裁员和收入前景的日益关切,德国消费者情绪正在下降。 German consumer sentiment is declining due to growing concerns about job cuts and income prospects. GfK和纽伦堡研究所最近进行的一项调查显示,消费者情绪指数从11月的18.4下降到12月的23.3,表明随着年底的到来,人们的悲观前景。 A recent survey by GfK and the Nuremberg Institute shows the consumer sentiment index dropped to -23.3 in December from -18.4 in November, indicating a pessimistic outlook as the year ends.