Van司机严重受伤,因为巨石从桥上掉下来,在Nottinghamshire砸碎了挡风玻璃。 Van driver seriously injured as boulder dropped from bridge, shattering his windscreen in Nottinghamshire.
格林威治标准时间周五晚上 10:00 左右,诺丁汉郡雷恩沃斯的一名 26 岁面包车司机在格林威治标准时间晚上 10:00 左右在海姆斯利路附近的 A617 公路上,一块从桥上掉下来的巨石打碎了他的挡风玻璃,导致他的头部严重受伤。 A 26-year-old van driver in Rainworth, Nottinghamshire, suffered serious head injuries when a boulder dropped from a bridge shattered his windscreen around 10:00 PM GMT on Friday on the A617 near Hemsley Road. 警方正在调查这起被描述为“无足轻重和令人憎恶的”事件, 并且敦促目击者和带破碎摄像头的目击证人站出来。 Police are investigating the incident, described as "mindless and abhorrent," and have urged witnesses and those with dashcam footage to come forward. 星期六上午,道路仍然关闭。 The road remained closed on Saturday morning.