8 月 29 日上午 7 点 14 分,雷纳姆温宁顿的 A13 公路上发生货车和卡车相撞,导致司机和一名乘客受伤,A13 关闭,警方正在调查。 Van and truck crash on A13 in Wennington, Rainham at 7:14 am on August 29 resulted in injuries to drivers and a passenger, A13 closed, police investigating.
8 月 29 日上午 7 点 14 分,在雷纳姆温宁顿的 A13 公路上发生涉及一辆面包车和一辆卡车的碰撞,导致两名司机受伤,一名伤势更严重的乘客不得不被消防员从面包车上割下来。 A crash involving a van and a truck on A13 in Wennington, Rainham, at 7:14 am on August 29 resulted in injuries to both drivers, and a passenger with more significant injuries who had to be cut from the van by firefighters. 在警方保护现场期间,A13 仍处于关闭状态,当局已发出信息呼吁。 The A13 remains closed while police secure the scene, and authorities have launched an appeal for information. 司机在住院前接受了现场治疗,未受到致命伤害,而乘客则被送往医院评估。 The drivers received on-site treatment before being hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, while the passenger was taken to the hospital for assessment.