美国调解员访问黎巴嫩和以色列,以推动停火会谈,并预期取得进展。 U.S. mediator visits Lebanon, Israel to advance ceasefire talks, with progress anticipated.
美国调解人阿莫斯·霍赫斯坦本周将访问黎巴嫩和以色列,以推进停火协议。 U.S. mediator Amos Hochstein is set to visit Lebanon and Israel this week to advance a ceasefire deal. 报告表明谈判取得进展,以色列预计霍施泰因访问期间将出现重大事态发展。 Reports suggest progress in negotiations, with Israel anticipating significant developments during Hochstein's visit. 预计黎巴嫩将对最近提出的停火提案作出回应,议长纳比·贝里于星期四收到该提案。 Lebanon is expected to respond to the latest ceasefire proposal, which was received by Speaker Nabih Berri on Thursday.