以色列和真主党接近停火;美国斡旋达成停战、撤军和移除武器的协议。 Israel and Hezbollah near ceasefire; US mediates deal for truce, troop withdrawal, and weapon removal.
以色列和真主党接近达成停火协议,美国正在斡旋谈判。 Israel and Hezbollah are close to a ceasefire deal, with the U.S. mediating talks. 拟议的协议包括以色列军队从黎巴嫩南部撤军的 60 天过渡期,以及真主党将重型武器运送到利塔尼河以北。 The proposed agreement includes a 60-day transition period for Israeli forces to withdraw from southern Lebanon, and Hezbollah to move heavy weapons north of the Litani River. 黎巴嫩军队将在边境巡逻,由美国领导的监督委员会进行监督。 The Lebanese army will patrol the border, monitored by a U.S.-led oversight committee. 以色列寻求对真主党侵犯行为采取行动的保证。 Israel seeks assurance to act against Hezbollah violations. 自 9 月中旬以来,已有 3,000 多人死亡。 Over 3,000 have died since mid-September.