Peter Dunne, 35岁,据称在都柏林,他69岁的母亲和72岁的父亲在遭到袭击后被拒绝保释。 Peter Dunne, 35, denied bail after alleged assault on his 69-year-old mother and 72-year-old father in Dublin.
来自都柏林的35岁的Peter Dunne因被指控在她睡觉时拳打脚踢并掐死他69岁的母亲,被拒绝保释。 Peter Dunne, a 35-year-old from Dublin, was denied bail after being accused of punching and choking his 69-year-old mother while she was in bed. 他父亲72岁,试图进行干预,也据称遭到殴打。 His father, 72, who tried to intervene, was also allegedly assaulted. Dunne以前没有定罪,焦虑不安,根据法院精神病治疗令被还押拘留。 Dunne, who has no prior convictions and suffers from anxiety, is remanded in custody with a court order for psychiatric care. 检察长将提供进一步指示。 The Director of Public Prosecutions will provide further directions.