83岁的Peter Nygard, 被判犯有性攻击罪,在多伦多上诉11年徒刑时被拒绝保释。 83-year-old Peter Nygard, convicted of sexual assault, denied bail while appealing 11-year sentence in Toronto.
83岁的Peter Nygard在对多伦多的性侵犯定罪提出上诉时被拒绝保释,因此被判处11年徒刑。 Peter Nygard, 83, has been denied bail while appealing his sexual assault convictions in Toronto, which resulted in an 11-year sentence. 安大略上诉法院法官认为他的上诉很弱,并列举了由于其他地方的未决指控而导致的逃跑风险。 The Ontario Court of Appeal judge deemed his appeal weak and cited flight risk due to pending charges elsewhere. Nygard被判犯有与1980年代至2000年代中期的指控有关的四起性攻击罪。 Nygard was convicted of four counts of sexual assault linked to allegations from the 1980s to the mid-2000s. 他的法律小组辩称,对他的判刑过重,审判期间出现错误。 His legal team argues that his sentence is excessive and that errors occurred during the trial.