Peter Keaney,55岁, 被判犯有攻击罪 并试图扼杀他的伴侣的84岁母亲 在一个疗养院里。 Peter Keaney, 55, found guilty of assaulting and attempting to suffocate his partner's 84-year-old mother at a nursing home.
Peter Keaney, 55岁, 被判有罪, 在爱尔兰阿特隆的一家疗养院袭击其伴侣的84岁母亲, 企图用枕头窒息她, Peter Keaney, 55, was found guilty of attacking his partner's 84-year-old mother at a nursing home in Athlone, Ireland, attempting to suffocate her with a pillow while shouting "die." Keaney喝醉了,承认袭击了该妇女,并将未经证实的虐待指控作为他的动机。 Keaney, who was drunk, admitted to assaulting the woman and cited unsubstantiated abuse allegations as his motive. 受害者遭受了深深的裂痕,需要缝9针。 The victim suffered a deep laceration and required nine stitches. Keaney对造成伤害和试图窒息的攻击表示服罪。 Keaney pleaded guilty to assault causing harm and attempting to suffocate. 判刑被推迟至12月5日 Sentencing is delayed until December 5th.