在Hallandale海滩,一名27岁的妇女杀死了自己的丈夫,然后在自己的高楼公寓里自杀。 In Hallandale Beach, a 27-year-old woman killed her husband and then herself in their high-rise apartment.
在佛罗里达州Hallandale海滩的豪华高楼 一名27岁的女子在自杀前 开枪打死了34岁的丈夫 In a luxury high-rise in Hallandale Beach, Florida, a 27-year-old woman fatally shot her 34-year-old husband before taking her own life. 警察被一个shotSpotter系统警示,显示发生多枪射击。 Police were alerted by a ShotSpotter system indicating multiple gunshots. 这对夫妇原来自科索沃,住在纽约,但被发现死在阳台上。 The couple, originally from Kosovo, lived in New York but were found dead on their balcony. 调查正在进行中,建筑物管理部门正与当局合作。 The investigation is ongoing, and the building management is cooperating with authorities.