Bradenton的女子在购物时身陷30多发枪弹的交火中丧生。 Woman killed in Bradenton after being caught in crossfire of over 30 gunshots while shopping.
Bradenton的一位妇女于星期二晚上在从杂货店回来时身陷30多枪的交火中身亡。 A woman in Bradenton was killed on Tuesday night after being caught in the crossfire of more than 30 gunshots while returning from grocery shopping. 这是该地区发生的第二次枪击事件;第一次是在东部第8大道一带的晚间至少发射了10发子弹。 This was the second shooting in the area; the first involved at least 10 shots fired earlier in the evening along 8th Avenue East. 这名妇女不是预定的目标,她在医院一夜之间因伤势过重而死亡。 The woman, who was not the intended target, died from her injuries overnight in the hospital. Bradenton警察局正在调查这两起枪击案,并寻求公众提供信息,悬赏高达3 000美元,以换取导致逮捕的线索。 The Bradenton Police Department is investigating both shootings and is seeking information from the public, offering a reward of up to $3,000 for tips leading to an arrest.