在佛罗里达州的Hallandale海滩,Sabrina Krasniqi在豪华公寓里杀了她的丈夫,然后杀了她自己。 In Hallandale Beach, Florida, Sabrina Krasniqi killed her husband and then herself in their luxury condo.
在佛罗里达州Hallandale海滩27岁的Sabrina Krasniqi发生的一起谋杀自杀事件中,她的丈夫Pajtim Krasniqi,34岁,被枪杀数倍,然后向自己开枪。 In a tragic murder-suicide in Hallandale Beach, Florida, Sabrina Krasniqi, 27, shot her husband Pajtim Krasniqi, 34, multiple times before turning the gun on herself. 这起事件发生在他们位于45层的豪华公寓里,经过数月的紧张局势,包括关于不忠和对离婚的恐惧的报道。 The incident occurred in their luxury 45th-floor condo after months of tension, including reports of infidelity and fear of divorce. 邻居们在前几周听取了夫妻双方的多次争论。 Neighbors had heard multiple arguments between the couple in the weeks prior. 两人均在现场被发现死亡。 Both were found dead at the scene.