22 岁的雷吉娜·维达尔 (Regina Vidal) 被发现死于佛罗里达州劳德希尔 (Lauderhill) 的公寓中,死于枪伤。 Regina Vidal, 22, was found dead in her Lauderhill, Florida, apartment from a gunshot wound.
一名 22 岁的女子被发现死于佛罗里达州劳德希尔的一间公寓内,身上有枪伤。 A 22-year-old woman was found dead with a gunshot wound in an apartment in Lauderhill, Florida. 这起事件发生在周六早些时候,这名女子被确认为雷吉娜·维达尔(Regina Vidal)。 The incident took place early Saturday, and the woman has been identified as Regina Vidal. 目前警方正在调查此案,尚未确定任何嫌疑人。 The police are currently investigating the case, and no suspects have been identified. 枪击事件背后的动机尚不清楚。 The motive behind the shooting is unknown. 据报道,邻居们听到公寓里不断传来打斗声。 Neighbors reportedly heard constant fighting coming from the apartment unit. 受害者的朋友聚集在公寓大楼哀悼她的去世,并呼吁提供有关此案的信息。 Friends of the victim gathered at the apartment complex to mourn her death and call for information on the case.