一名佛罗里达妇女因意外枪杀其室友而面临指控;另外两人在公寓枪击中死亡。 A Florida woman faces charges after accidentally shooting her roommate dead; separately, two die in a condo shooting.
在佛罗里达州西棕榈海滩,一名69岁的妇女因意外射杀她的室友并炫耀她以为是卸货的枪而身亡,被控过失杀人罪。 A 69-year-old woman in West Palm Beach, Florida, was charged with negligent manslaughter after accidentally shooting her roommate to death while showing off a gun she thought was unloaded. 在Hallandale海滩,在据报发生多起枪击事件后,发现两人在豪华公寓中死亡。 In Hallandale Beach, two individuals were found dead in a luxury condo after multiple gunshots were reported. 警方正在调查这起孤立事件,大楼前厅已经关闭。 Police are investigating the isolated incident, and the lobby of the building has been closed.