12月21日「圣诞节假期」的节日屏幕鼓励丑陋的毛衣和捐款。 Festival screens "Christmas Vacation" on Dec. 21, encourages ugly sweaters and donations.
北极光节 Boreal 和萨德伯里独立电影院将于 12 月 21 日晚上 7 点至 9 点举办“National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation”放映会。鼓励参与者穿着丑陋的圣诞毛衣,并为 Go-Give 项目带来捐赠的冬季必需品。 Northern Lights Festival Boreal and Sudbury Indie Cinema are hosting a screening of "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" on Dec. 21 from 7-9 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to wear ugly Christmas sweaters and bring donations of winter essentials for the Go-Give Project. 会员入场券为10美元,非会员入场券为14美元,13岁以下儿童入场券为7美元。 Tickets are $10 for members, $14 for non-members, and $7 for children under 13. 他们的网站提供更多信息和入场券。 More info and tickets are available on their websites.