Saskatoon慈善社《避难所儿童之家》举办喜剧表演, Saskatoon charity Haven Kids' House hosts a comedy show to boost funds hit by Canada Post strike.
在萨斯卡通, " 避风港儿童之家 " 面临资金挑战,因为 " 加拿大邮报 " 罢工影响捐款。 In Saskatoon, Haven Kids' House faces funding challenges due to a Canada Post strike, impacting donations. Saskatoon Soaps将于12月20日在百老汇剧院举办喜剧表演「家庭圣诞晚餐」, To help, Saskatoon Soaps will host a comedy show "Family Christmas Dinner" on Dec 20 at Broadway Theatre, with proceeds benefiting the charity. 居民还可以在西部发展博物馆观赏到1月3日的"伊顿的圣诞节"展览, Meanwhile, locals can also enjoy the Eaton's Once Upon a Christmas display at the Western Development Museum until Jan 3, offering festive tableaus and stories.