Sudbury在1月2日至4日举办各种活动, 包括音乐、艺术、电影、食物等。 Sudbury hosts a variety of events from January 2nd to 4th, including music, art, film, and food.
1月2日至4日, Sudbury提供各种活动, 包括与Andy Lowe的现场音乐、全圈美术馆和Nouveau Louvre的艺术展以及Bennett Malcomson的摄影展。 From January 2nd to 4th, Sudbury offers a variety of events including live music with Andy Lowe, art exhibits at the Full Circle Art Gallery and Nouveau Louvre, and a photography show by Bennett Malcomson. 电影"太空:新前沿 (3D) "和"珊瑚海"在科学北方的IMAX影院上映. Film screenings of "Space: The New Frontier (3D)" and "Coral Sea" are available at Science North's IMAX theater. 新鲜的自制 perohy 和卷心菜卷将于 1 月 3 日在乌克兰中心出售。 Fresh homemade perohy and cabbage rolls will be sold on January 3rd at the Ukrainian Centre. Sudbury血浆捐血中心也接受捐血。 Blood donations are also being accepted at the Sudbury plasma donor center.