北地球和动态地球科学提供400美元的假日会员津贴,并主办1月5日的灯光节。 Science North and Dynamic Earth offer holiday memberships with $400 in perks and host a Festival of Lights through January 5th.
至1月5日, 科学、北地球和动态地球提供圣诞礼物和活动。 Science North and Dynamic Earth are offering Christmas gifts and activities until January 5th. 在此期间,购买或延长会员资格的折扣和优惠券价值400美元,包括免费机票和进入世界各地200多个科学中心。 Memberships purchased or renewed during this time come with $400 worth of coupons for discounts and perks, including free tickets and access to over 200 science centers worldwide. 他们也主办灯光节, 一个户外灯光展, 从下午5点开始每天开放50 000个灯光, 由捐赠资助当地贫困儿童。 They're also hosting the Festival of Lights, an outdoor light display of 50,000 lights open daily from 5 pm, with admission by donation supporting local underprivileged children.