" 树木节 " 在布鲁斯会议中心展示了30棵装饰的树木,为Pennyroyal中心筹集资金。 Festival of Trees showcases 30 decorated trees at Bruce Convention Center, raising money for Pennyroyal Center.
Pennyroyal中心的年度慈善活动 " 树木节 " 将于星期六上午9时至下午4时在布鲁斯会议中心展示30棵装饰圣诞树。 The Festival of Trees, an annual charity event benefiting the Pennyroyal Center, will showcase 30 decorated Christmas trees at the Bruce Convention Center on Saturday from 9 AM to 4 PM. 参观者可以购买彩票,以便有机会赢得一棵树,并投票支持他们最喜爱的装饰。 Visitors can purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win a tree and vote for their favorite decorations. 这次活动因参加人数增多而移至布鲁斯中心,并将在星期日为获奖者提供采树机会。 The event moved to the Bruce Center due to increased participation and will offer tree pick-up for winners on Sunday.