加拿大罢工后推迟家属收到被火化的遗体,停止丧葬仪式。 Canada Post strike delays family's receipt of cremated remains, halting funeral rites.
加拿大邮报罢工使Emily Walstrom在魁北克的家人无法接收她父亲的火葬遗骸,这些遗骸是11月15日罢工开始前从不列颠哥伦比亚省寄来的。 The Canada Post strike has left Emily Walstrom's family in Quebec unable to receive her father's cremated remains, which were mailed from British Columbia before the strike began on November 15. Walstrom无法举行惯常的丧葬仪式和适当的哀悼,因为遗体被困在途中。 Walstrom cannot perform the customary funeral rites and properly grieve, as the remains are stuck in transit. 加拿大邮政局已保证,一旦恢复业务,所有邮件将先入先出。 Canada Post has assured that all mail will be delivered on a first-in, first-out basis once operations resume.