Emily Walstrom很难过 她父亲的骨灰 被加拿大邮报的罢工延后了 Emily Walstrom can't grieve properly as her father's ashes are delayed due to the Canada Post strike.
魁北克省妇女Emily Walstrom无法为其父亲适当哀悼,她父亲的火葬遗骸因11月15日开始的《加拿大邮报》罢工而滞留在过境途中。 Emily Walstrom, a Quebec woman, is unable to properly grieve for her father, whose cremated remains are stuck in transit due to the Canada Post strike that began on November 15. Walstrom的父亲在不列颠哥伦比亚省去世了,他的遗体在罢工前刚寄出,在她等待送货时,她一直没完没了。 Walstrom's father passed away in British Columbia, and his remains were mailed just before the strike, leaving her without closure as she awaits their delivery. 加拿大邮政局承认延迟,但没有提供遗骸位置的解决方案或最新资料。 Canada Post has acknowledged the delay but has not provided a solution or updates on the remains' location.