黎巴嫩家庭返回后发现,他们50岁的家园被毁,留在一个大坑里。 Lebanese family returns to find their 50-year-old home destroyed, left in a large crater.
Jawhari一家回到黎巴嫩,只是发现他们50岁的家被摧毁,留下一个大坑坑。 The Jawhari family returned to Lebanon, only to find that their 50-year-old home had been destroyed, leaving a large crater. 家人聚集在黎巴嫩东部被摧毁的地点周围,眼泪泪汪汪,难以领会破坏的程度。 Gathered around the devastated site in eastern Lebanon, family members were in tears, struggling to grasp the extent of the destruction.