McMurray堡教育支助人员因工资问题罢工,影响学校的运作。 Fort McMurray educational support staff strike over wages, impacting schools' operations.
自11月13日以来,McMurray堡的教育支助人员一直在罢工,要求获得公平的工资,声称他们的工资低于最低工资,没有跟上通货膨胀。 Educational support staff in Fort McMurray have been on strike since November 13, demanding fair wages and claiming their salaries are below minimum wage and have not kept up with inflation. 有1 000多名工作人员参与其中,影响到学校的运作,特别是对有特殊需要的学生而言。 Over 1,000 staff are involved, affecting schools' operations, particularly for special needs students. McMurray堡公立学校分部认为,CUPE的要求在财政上不可行,因为其费用追溯性地为780万美元,今年的费用为340万美元。 The Fort McMurray Public School Division argues CUPE's demands are not financially feasible, citing costs of $7.8 million retroactively and $3.4 million this year. 抗议者还指控保守党联合政府教育经费不足。 Protesters have also accused the United Conservative Party government of underfunding education.