高地和群岛大学 (UHI) 和 21 所苏格兰学院的支持人员因工资和失业而举行罢工。 Support staff at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and 21 Scottish colleges strike over pay and job losses.
高地和群岛大学 (UHI) 和 21 所苏格兰学院的支持人员因工资和失业问题举行罢工,要求在 2022 年 9 月加薪,并保证任何加薪都不会影响工作保障。 Support staff at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and 21 Scottish colleges go on strike over pay and job losses, demanding a pay rise due in September 2022 and guarantees that any pay increases won't impact job security. 大学讲师还参加了一场长期薪资纠纷的全国罢工行动,声称自 2021 年 8 月以来他们没有收到加薪,正在等待大学雇主可接受的报价。 College lecturers also participate in a national day of strike action in a long-running pay dispute, claiming they have not received a pay increase since August 2021 and are waiting for an acceptable offer from college employers.