意外的声音嘶哑可能预示着肺癌,这是一种鲜为人知的症状。 Unexpected hoarse voice can signal lung cancer, a lesser-known symptom.
声音的意外变化可能预示着肺癌,这是一种不太为人所知但不容忽视的症状。 An unexpected change in your voice could signal lung cancer, a less recognized symptom that should not be overlooked. 肺癌的常见症状包括持续咳嗽、咳嗽加剧、胸部反复感染和咳血。 Common symptoms of lung cancer include persistent cough, worsening cough, recurring chest infections, and coughing up blood. 声音嘶哑是一个鲜为人知的症状,它可能表明因吸烟导致的肺癌或可能导致恶性肿瘤的声带感染。 A hoarse voice is a lesser-known sign, which can indicate the presence of lung cancer due to smoking or vocal cord infections potentially leading to malignant tumors.