天气网络预测,加拿大将迎来一个更寒冷、更典型的冬天,并受到不同的区域影响。 The Weather Network forecasts a colder, more typical winter across Canada, with varied regional impacts.
天气网络预测,今年加拿大将迎来一个更寒冷、更典型的冬天,目的是在去年创纪录的温暖之后“挽救其声誉”。 The Weather Network predicts a colder, more typical winter for Canada this year, aiming to "salvage its reputation" after last year's record warmth. 加拿大西部将出现接近或高于正常水平的降雪和较冷的气温,而安大略省和魁北克省将经历较冷的 12 月,然后是较温暖的 1 月和 2 月。 Western Canada will see near- or above-normal snowfall and colder temperatures, while Ontario and Quebec will experience colder Decembers followed by warmer Januarys and Februaries. 预计加拿大大西洋地区的风暴活动将减少。 Atlantic Canada is expected to see less storm activity. 尽管如此,没有一个地区会经历异常严酷的冬天。 Despite this, no region will experience an exceptionally harsh winter.